JN Money agents/agent users are encouraged to be vigilant and aware of what is happening within their immediate surroundings, local environment and nationally. A keen sense of awareness will help to mitigate agents/agent users falling prey to fraudulent activities, as well as instances of security breachers, particularly at this time of the year when robberies and fraudulent activities are prevalent during the festive season. Your awareness will also assist in identifying and reporting instances of suspicious activity, in keeping with your duties as an agent of JN Money.
We recommend the following be observed to mitigate fraud risk:
- Do not deviate from JN Money requirements for processing (sending/ Receiving) transactions
- Take the steps necessary to validate identification presented by customers to detect possible fraudulent identifications being presented
- Ask the necessary questions as part of the customer due diligence process when paying or sending a transfer (i.e. – relationship between sender/recipient, purpose of the transfer, source of funding, etc.)
- Obtain relevant documents from customer, as requested by JN Money Compliance for enhanced due diligence
- Be knowledgeable of the types of fraud to which customers are susceptible (i.e., lottery scamming/advance fee fraud, romance fraud, elder abuse fraud, and person in need fraud)
- Protect customers personal information once collected
- Report suspicious activity to the Nominated Officer, JN Money